Fun Facts

Beef is the Best

Beef is the number one source of Protein, Vitamin B12 and Zinc. Beef is also the number three source of Iron behind fortified cereal and grains.

Kick up your Flavor

The top five most-liked flavors consumers enjoy with beef are Onion (58%), followed by Garlic (52%), Herbs (33%), Worcestershire sauce (26%) and Lemon/Citrus juice (19%).

Memorial Day is the Biggest Day for Beef

DO NOT pierce the meat to check its temperature.
A simple test to determine "doneness" can be done
by gently pressing on the meat with a finger and comparing it to the firmness of the meaty part
of your thumb.

RARE – With your hand completely relaxed, the meaty part of your thumb is soft and pliable.

MEDIUM RARE – Gently touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your pointer finger. Don't squeeze! 

MEDIUM – Gently touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your middle finger.

MEDIUM WELL – Gently touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your
ring finger.

WELL DONE – Gently touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your pinkie. The meaty part of your thumb should be firm and springy.

Get Fired Up

63% of the US grills monthly. 48% grill year-round.

Hamburgers are the most popular food to grill at 87%, followed by Steak 83%, Chicken 78%, and Hot Dogs 76%. 

Grilling is an exceptionally healthy method of cooking Steak and other kinds of meat because excess fat drains away rather than being consumed.

The charcoal briquette was invented in 1920 by Henry Ford, with help from Thomas Edison.

In the US, North-Easterners are the biggest barbequers, followed by those who inhabit the North-Central, the South, and the West.


80% cook with tongs.
41% utilize oven mitts/grilling gloves.
40% trust a meat thermometer to check doneness.